Rat Management and Control

Author: Kurt Treftz, Cascade Pest Control

It can be quite overwhelming when you realize you have a rat problem. This kind of infestation is different than treating ants or other pests, and it feels like more of a violation to have rats in your home or business. The key to keeping a handle on the situation is having a strong rat control and management treatment plan.

Here at Cascade Pest Control we are experts in rodent management and rat control. Our technicians understand what and where to look for intruders, how to repair any damage done, and fortify your space so that no unwanted intruders find their way in again. We are committed to eco-friendly, environmentally safe treatment methods, and we work with your schedule to develop an effective schedule for ongoing rat management and control.

Rat Control Tips

  • Identify the type of rat. Norway rats and roof rats are the two most common types to rats in our Puget Sound area. Both are grey and brown in appearance, but Norway rats are typically larger with more blunt features. Roof rats, as the name may imply, are nimble jumpers and will typically nest in attics or access your space through the roof. Both are much larger than a mouse, though, so hopefully the species difference is helpful in that regard.
  • Find where they’re living. While you may see or notice signs of rat intrusion, such as scampering late at night, damage, or filth, it isn’t helpful unless you know where they’re coming from. Keeping an eye out for nests in dark, dry places with good access to food and water, noticing scratch or bite marks where they don’t belong, and checking crawl and attic spaces for filth and debris are good places to start in identifying where rats are coming from.
  • Seal up holes & cracks. Rats only need a gap or crack of half an inch to be able to access your space. Regularly check and maintain storm drain covers, piping entry points, chimney covers, and any foundation or roof seals in order to protect against them squeezing or gnawing their way in. Ensure that crawl spaces are secure as well–these are very easy access points for rodents.
  • Keep your space clean. Between keeping the garbage can and compost bin regularly clear and securely storing pantry and cupboard items, it can seem like a lot just to fend off one type of rodent. These are helpful steps, but even something as simple as vacuuming regularly, wiping down your counters, and clearing pet food bowls with uneaten food remaining goes a long way in deterring rats. You can also work to store larger trash and compost bins outside as opposed to in the garage to further distract rats away from your space.
  • Avoid rat damage to your vehicle. Rats thrive in the Seattle region due to it’s climate and populations. Cars (or RVs) are not a spot you may think about, but these vehicles are vulnerable to rat damage. They build nests and eat through the cables and wires. There are ways to avoid rodent damage to your vehicle!
  • Understand their habits. Rats, like most other rodents, are nocturnal. This means that you’re more likely to hear or see them out and about at night. They’re also creatures of habit, so it’s common for them to traverse the same paths or visit the same places when they do emerge.
  • Invest in ongoing rat control service. Once the presence of rats is confirmed, it can be helpful to consult an expert on the best removal method. DIY, insufficient or misplaced traps can elongate the duration of the rodents’ stay. A professional ongoing, regular rat management and control plan is better to prevent infestations from developing in the future.

In the market for a quality, reliable rat control service? Call 888-989-8979 to connect with Cascade Pest Control today!

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