Eek! What is that??? If you’ve ever been startled by the appearance of a mouse...
Pavement Ants: What to Know
The pavement ant is one of the most common house-infesting ants in the United States....
Moisture Ants: What to Know
From invasive species to native annoyances, ants are everywhere. Moisture ants can be a particularly...
Pharaoh Ants: What to Know
You don’t invite ants to your picnic, so you certainly don’t want them in your...
Argentine Ants: What to Know
Argentine Ants are one of the 100 worst invasive species on earth. Over the last...
When to Call an Exterminator for Mice & Rats?
Eeek! No one wants to see a mouse or rat scurry across the floor, but...
European Fire Ants in the Pacific Northwest
When you think of “fire ants” do you think of hot desert climates? Red colored...
Identifying European Fire Ants
When you think “fire ant”, you might think swarming, stinging insects from the south, but...
History of European Fire Ants
Recently, there are rising concerns regarding European Fire Ants which have made their way into...
The Unexpected Role of Mice in Pacific Northwest Forests
Whiskered noses and scurrying feet are not an uncommon occurrence in our homes. And while...