When Is It Time to Call a Spider Exterminator?

Author: Kurt Treftz, Cascade Pest Control

Spiders are fairly unique among local pests, because unlike most pests they do bring some benefits to the table around the home. Spiders often feed on more troublesome pests, so some people don’t mind having one or two around their home or business. Of course, spiders are also among the most feared pests, so for many people one is too many. No matter your personal feeling on spiders, there comes a time when spider control and spider extermination may be needed if too many of the eight-legged creatures decide to set up shop in your structure. Let’s take a closer look at the signs that can tell you when it’s time to call an exterminator for spider pest control.

Too Many Spiders? Time to Call a Spider Exterminator?

The easiest, most common way to spot a spider infestation is that there are simply too many spiders around your home or business. If you’re used to finding a handful of spiders around the property, and suddenly start to encounter a much larger number, then you may be dealing with a spider infestation. Spiders often prefer dark, secluded places like crawlspaces and attics, however, so you may have to look around a bit in order to spot an increase in spiders. In addition to a simple “head count,” there are a number of easy ways to spot a spider infestation in your structure:

  • Cob Webs and Egg Sacs – Even if you can’t spot the spiders, you will often find evidence of their presence around your home or business. A large number of spider webs, cob webs, and egg sacs can be a sign that there is a serious spider problem. If you find webs and egg sacs, vacuuming them up can help keep new generations of spiders from being born within the structure.
  • Where to Look – Knowing where to look and what to look for is another important key to determining an infestation – or a potential spider infestation. Look for evidence in basements, corners of rooms (mostly at the ceiling), around windows – both inside and outside, but mostly outside, beneath porch eaves, and under roof eaves around the house or business.
  • Infestations of Other Insects – Spiders seek out structure both to avoid extreme temperatures and hunt for food. An infestation of other insects can be a major boon to spiders around your structure, providing spiders with the ample food source they need to multiply and grow. Sometimes, both insect control and spider treatment are needed to truly eliminate a spider infestation.
  • Cluttered Rooms and Dark Places – Many spiders prefer to make their homes in out of the way places, like crawlspaces, attics, and unused rooms. They also like places with clutter, where there’s extensive room to hide, hunt, and remain hidden from prying eyes. If you have little-used rooms, be sure to check regularly for evidence of spiders, and try to keep those spaces free of clutter.
  • Spider Entry Points – Like any type of pest that invades homes or businesses, spiders need to find an entry point. Loose doors/windows, broken screen, unsealed vents, and structural damage can all provide the space that spiders need to enter a structure. If you see large numbers of spiders entering through certain parts of your structure, it may be time to contact a spider exterminator.

Call a Spider Exterminator

Many spiders are harmless to humans, but varieties like the black widow and brown recluse can be very dangerous. If you believe that you’re dealing with a spider infestation, or want someone to safely search the hidden areas of your structure that you’d rather not visit, then it may be time to call a spider exterminator. Our Cascade Pest Control team is here to help with all of your spider control needs in the Seattle/Puget Sound area.

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