What are Rats Afraid Of?

Author: Kurt Treftz, Cascade Pest Control

If you’ve ever unexpectedly come across a rat, they can be quite startling. Especially if they’re traveling with friends, rats are not what you want to be surprised by. Whether it’s in your home or business, a rat infestation is something that Seattle residents must actively work to prevent given their prevalence in this area.

While they may be scary to you, a large part of rodent control is actually figuring out what rats dislike and are scared of themselves. They do have weaknesses, and understanding those vulnerabilities in depth will help you remove them and keep them out of your space.

Rat & Rodent Control Tips

Despite what movies and media may assert, having a cat or other pet isn’t your only line of defense for keeping rats at bay. The biggest and most frightening threat rats face is not being able to access enough food and water to sustain themselves. Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can block rats out and prevent them from using your home to survive:

  • Seal Up Holes & Cracks Around Your House. A rat can wriggle through holes or cracks ½” wide, or chew to widen a crack to their liking. Keeping things sealed and protected makes it harder for rats to enter your home.
  • Keep Compost & Trash Bins Clean. Whether they’re inside or outside, rats will be attracted to these waste bins for food. Empty them regularly to prevent rats from relying on them for food.
  • Regularly Clean Your Kitchen. Crumbs and food waste are rat magnets. Wipe down countertops regularly and take out the trash to minimize your risk.
  • Keep Leftovers or Pet Food Stored Securely. Pantry items and pet foods either left out or not stored in durable containers are easy targets for rats.
  • Inspect Crawlspaces and Attics for Signs of Nesting. Torn up paper, signs of rodent waste, and musty smells are signs of rodent nests that you should keep an eye out for in any dark, dry corners of your home.
  • Leave Crushed Cloves or Caps of Ammonia Out. Rats dislike these two scents, and they’re easy to keep low to the ground to concentrate the aroma near where the rat can smell it. Place them intentionally near entryways or where you’ve seen rats before to repel them. 
  • Set Traps. There are many humane, easy to use traps available nowadays, so if you regularly notice signs of chewing or spot a rat along certain paths, a strategically placed trap can be useful.
  • Invest in Professional Rodent Control Treatments. At a certain point, DIY methods aren’t enough to effectively curb an infestation. Reach out to Cascade for professional rat and rodent control service to create a personalized treatment plan for your home.

Cascade Pest Control has been working in the Greater Seattle region for over 42 years now. Our experienced technicians know the ins and outs of eco-friendly rodent control services, and are dedicated to creating a plan that works best for you.

Call 888-989-8979 today for a quote to get started with Cascade Pest Control!

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